Facebook wśród najatrakcyjniejszych mediów społecznościowych

Facebook among the most attractive social media

For several years now, social media has been the main place for meetings and interpersonal communication. Several of the most important applications and portals fight for users with completely different rules, functions and possibilities. A wide group of advertising specialists also competes for the trust and acceptance of readers, treating Facebook marketing as a very important form of reaching the recipient. Fortunately, we are not doomed only to the website created by Mark Zuckerberg, it is also worth getting to know other interesting community projects.


The power of the image


The picture society has become a fact, and thanks to the popularization of smartphones with better and better cameras every year, everyone can freely share and publish various photos and video materials. Also those that are able to capture very fleeting moments, seemingly insignificant, but very personal. Snapchat has become a specialist in this type of content, and it has appeared on the global network in the form of applications for mobile devices. It is distinguished from Facebook mainly by the fact that the published photos have a short expiry date: when displayed on the receiving device, they are not saved in the archive, but permanently disappear from the digital reality. In turn, marketing on Facebook assumes that the post can have a very long life, mainly thanks to the sharing and commenting function.


However, the potential of Snapchat was noticed and appreciated by the creators of the largest community and transferred to the Instagram application in a slightly changed form. It is also available from a smartphone, but the photos and videos published with it do not disappear, but are visible in a given profile as long as its owner allows it. Each photo can include not only a geotag and person tag, but also a short description, usually consisting of only hashtags. They, in turn, combine graphics into one large thematic network, the result of which can be found using a search engine and adding specific phrases to the observed elements.


Laconic messages


For many years, Facebook’s biggest rival has been Twitter. It is a website that allows you to quickly publish, both via the website and applications for operating systems (including mobile ones, of course), short messages containing text, hashtags and images. The whole thing has a very minimalist form and does not offer as many possibilities and tools as Facebook marketing brings. It is particularly distinguished by its specific target group, because Twitter is a favorite among politicians, celebrities and businessmen. It is there that the reactions of the most important people in the country are often published as the first, as well as revealing new products or gossiping directly from the stars. It is worth setting up a Twitter account if only to be able to observe what is happening in the world, in sports and in your favorite industries in a minimalist form.


The world of home video makers


Youtube has been growing in strength for many years. From a portal famous mainly for the publication of pirated music videos, it has turned into the largest social network for lovers of creating and watching video materials. Almost anyone who has a camera, computer and some idea can become an internet star. Unlike marketing on Facebook , the creators only have to create high-quality materials that will interest the viewer with their original form or theme. Monetization of such projects is most often the result of cooperation with brands that are willing to use high viewership in order to place an advertisement for their product inside the video material.


Specialized social networks


There are also very specialized communities. One of them is the Linkedin portal, which is a database of business cards of people with specific competences. It is a great place to expand business contacts, find an employee, change a job position and present your achievements in business. Unlike Facebook marketing and advertising specialists, here we find mainly HR specialists. Their constant presence makes it worth setting up an account there and appearing in the Linkedin community, thus giving yourself a chance for an unusual professional promotion.

Not only Facebook brings together a large community on the Internet. In addition to the above-mentioned, it is worth mentioning such projects as Reddit, Flickr, Tumblr, Ask.fm, Google+ and Pinterest. However, it is worth mentioning that the largest portal also remains the most comprehensive. You can use it to run a business website, play games, participate in groups, share videos, broadcast live, sell items, create photo albums, etc. That’s why Facebook marketingit is the strongest advertising branch among all the projects that can be included in the group of social media. Hardly any of the Internet users do not have an account on this website, and most of its users remain fully active. However, if we need more than just generalities from the community, it is worth going to one of the specialized websites.

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